Nom / prénom
PhD student, Université de Lorraine
Master's degree in “Environmental Management (GESTE)”, “Ecotoxicology (ETOX)”
Antoine Aubertin

Université de Lorraine
Laboratoire Sols et Environnement
2, avenue de la Forêt de Haye
BP 20163
F-54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy cedex

Modules de page
Research or occupation

Doctoral thesis on “The association of hyperaccumulative plants and vegetable plants as a strategy for reducing the translocation of metals to the organs consumed”.

With the development of urban gardening in many cities around the world, the contamination of vegetable plants by metals and metalloids is a cause for concern. The aim of my work is therefore to develop innovative cropping systems adapted to the soils of contaminated vegetable gardens by combining hyperaccumulative plants with market garden crops in order to reduce the transfer of metals to the organs consumed. The aim of the work is to better consider the role of the rhizosphere and inter-species interactions in assessing the bioavailability and uptake of metals by both vegetable and hyperaccumulator plants. To achieve these objectives, work is being carried out at pot scale under controlled conditions and in the field.

Education / Biography

- 2024 - 2027: Doctoral thesis in ecotoxicology, agronomy & plant ecology at the Soil-Environment Laboratory in Vandœuvre-Lès-Nancy (ED ENSAIA)

- 2022 - 2024: Master's degree in Environmental Management (GESTE), research path in Ecotoxicology (ETOX) at the UFR Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées (UFR SciFA) in Metz (Université de Lorraine)

- 2020 - 2022: Bachelor's degree in Life and Environmental Sciences (SEII) at the UFR Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées (UFR SciFA) in Metz (Université de Lorraine)

- 2016 - 2019: Technological Universitary Diploma in Health, Safety & Environment at the IUT de Reims-Châlons-Charleville, Charleville site (Université de Reims)

- 2014 - 2016: Baccalauréat in Laboratory Science and Techniques (Physical and Chemical Laboratory Sciences) at Lycée Madame de Sévigné in Charleville-Mézières