Nom / prénom
SÉRÉ Geoffroy
Professor, Université de Lorraine, Deputy Director of LSE
SÉRÉ Geoffroy

Université de Lorraine
Laboratoire Sols et Environnement
2, avenue de la Forêt de Haye
BP 20163
F-54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy

+33 (0)3 72 74 41 24
Modules de page
Research or occupation

My research activities focus on assessing and optimising the ecosystem services provided by highly anthropised soils.
They contribute to the development of methodologies for diagnosing the potential of soils in urban, industrial and mining environments. In addition, through the development of pedological and soil-fauna engineering (e.g. construction of Technosols, desealing, rehabilitation), my work aims to re-functionalise degraded soils. The outputs of my work range from taking soil into account in land-use planning processes to providing support for renaturation projects and the development of urban agriculture.

Education / Biography
Professional Carrier
  • From 2019    Professor at LSE UMR 1120 Université de Lorraine/INRAE
  • 2009-2019    Assistant Professor at LSE UMR 1120 Université de Lorraine/INRA
  • 2007-2009    Project Manager at Groupe TVD
  • 2003-2007    R&D Engineer at Groupe TVD
  • 2002-2003    Research Engineer at LSE UMR 1120 INPL-ENSAIA/INRA
  • 2018    Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Lorraine
  • 2007    PhD in Agronomy at Université de Lorraine
  • 2002    Master 2 Degree in Agronomy at INPL
  • 2002    Engineering Diploma in Geology at ENSG
    • Co-head of "European University - Training" at EURECA-PRO (
    • Co-responsible for the 3rd year specialisation in Environmental Science and Engineering at ENSAIA
    • Responsible for teaching modules: "Water in agrosystems", "Bioeconomy", "Rehabilitation of degraded sites" (ENSAIA), "Superficial formations and pedology" (ENSG), "Water and the environment" and "Introduction to soil science" (INP preparatory course).
Selected publications

Séré G., Le Guern C., Bispo A., Layet C., Ducommun C., Clesse M., Schwartz C., Vidal-Beaudet L., 2024, Selection and test of soil health indicators to promote smart urban planning, Science of the Total Environment, accepted

Allory V., Séré G., Ouvrard S., 2021, A meta-analysis of carbon content and stocks in Technosols and identification of the main governing factors, Eur J Soil Sci.

Deeb M., Groffman P.M., Blouin M., Egendorf S.P., Vergnes A., Vasenev V., Cao D.L., Morin T., Séré G., 2020, Using constructed soils for green infrastructure –challenges and limitations, SOIL,

Rees F., Dagois R., Derrien D., Fiorelli J.L., Watteau F., Morel J.L., Schwartz C., Simonnot M.O., Séré G., 2019, Carbon storage in constructed Technosols: in situ monitoring over a decade, Geoderma,

Bouzouidja R., Rousseau G., Galzin V., Claverie R., Lacroix D., Séré G., 2018 Green roof ageing or Isolatic Technosol's pedogenesis?, Journal of Soils and Sediments,

Blanchart A., Séré G., Stas M., Consales J.N., Morel J.L., Schwartz C., 2018, Towards an operational methodology to optimize ecosystem services provided by urban soils, Landscape and Urban Planning, 176, p 1-9,

Tifafi M., Bouzouidja R., Leguédois S., Ouvrard S., Séré G., 2017, How lysimetric monitoring of Technosols can contribute to understand the temporal dynamics of the soil porosity, Geoderma

Leguedois, S., Séré, G., Auclerc, A., Cortet, J., Huot, H., Ouvrard, S., Watteau, F., Schwartz, C., Morel, J.-L., 2016, Modelling pedogenesis of technosols. Geoderma, 262, 199-212.

Séré G., Ouvrard S., Magnenet V., Pey B., Morel J.L., Schwartz C., 2012, Predictability of the evolution of the soil structure using water flow modeling for a constructed Technosol, Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 11 (1) -

Séré G., Schwartz C., Ouvrard S., Renat J.C., Watteau F., Morel J.L., 2010, Early pedogenic evolution of constructed Technosol, Journal of Soils & Sediments, vol 10, p 1246-1254,

Séré G., Schwartz C., Ouvrard S., Sauvage C., Renat J.C., Morel J.L., 2008, Soil Construction: A Step for Ecological Reclamation of Derelict Lands, Journal of Soils & Sediments, vol 8 (2), p 130-136,