Nom / prénom
Engineer, Université de Lorraine
Romain Goudon

Université de Lorraine
Laboratoire Sols et Environnement
2, avenue de la Forêt de Haye
BP 20163
F-54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy cedex

Modules de page
Research or occupation

I organise and manage the installation and maintenance of measurement, observation and experimentation equipment in the field or in the laboratory. 
I take part in the design and implementation of observation, measurement and sampling methods on the laboratory's study sites.
I am also responsible for processing the data from the experimental set-ups.

As the unit's Quality Manager, I run the Quality unit and also help to run the laboratory's technical team.

I'm the unit's radiation protection advisor (sealed sources).

Education / Biography

2022: Engineer in geo-natural and anthropised environment studies (LSE).

2022 : Assistant engineer in geo-natural and anthropised environment studies (LSE).

2019-2021: Environmental technician, Gestenv, CIMA+. Characterisation and rehabilitation of polluted sites and soils. 
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

2011-2019 : Assistant engineer in biological experimentation and instrumentation (LSE).

2009-2011: Research technician (LSE), Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy.

2008 to 2009: Chemical technician at the École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques, Nancy.

2008: Degree in Environmental Protection, Water, Measurement and Processes, Nancy-Brabois.

2007: DUT in Biological Engineering (Food and Biological Industries), Nancy-Brabois.

Selected publications

1. Lucia Santorufo, Jérôme Cortet, Carmen Arena, Romain Goudon, Alain Rakoto, Jean-Louis Morel, Giulia Maisto, 2014. An assessment of the influence of the urban environment on collembolan communities in soils using taxonomy- and trait-based approaches. Applied Soil Ecology 78 (2014) 48–56 
2. Cheng-Ai Jiang, Qi-Tang Wu, Romain Goudon, Guillaume Echevarria, and Jean-Louis Morel. Biomass and metal yield of co-cropped Alyssum murale and Lupinus albus. Australian Journal of Botany, 2015, 63, 159–166 
3. Philip Nti Nkrumah, Romane Tisserand, Rufus L. Chaney, Alan J.M. Baker, Jean Louis Morel, Romain Goudon, Peter D. Erskine, Guillaume Echevarria, Antony van der Ent. The first tropical ‘metal farm’: Some perspectives from field and pot experiments. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 198 (2019) 114–122